When you are scoping out jobs in the fundraising field, you are going to discover that you need to consider what your options are going to be when it comes to what you are willing to expect. In some cases, people specifically want a job where they are going to be in a situation where they can move forward with a specific issue that is important to them, while other people find that if they are working for a cause that they can get behind that it is enough. Take some time and think about where you fall on that dividing line. There are plenty of different jobs out there, but finding the one that is both in your field and follows up an issue that you think is important and is something that can take a bit of time.
If you are not out of school yet, remember that it is never too early to go out and start making those contacts. If you have a university cause that you are fond of, you will find that now is the time to get involved. What issues do you feel strongly about, and what organizations do you feel that you would like to work on in the future? Be generous with your time and think about the volunteer work that you could be doing. This is also a good place to get real world experience and you will discover that if you are looking to make connections and be remembered that this is a good place to start. Lots of people manage to secure jobs after graduation specifically through doing this sort of thing.
If you are looking for job postings in nonprofit organizations right out of school, you should take advantage of what resources your university can give you. Getting a job right out of school is getting harder and harder for professionals in every field, and if you have an advantage, however slim, you should definitely stop and grab it. This can make a huge difference when it comes to getting the job that you want, and if you are invested in the future, always think about resources that are available to you. When you are seeing what good your school's resources can be, check out the alumni association, but also don't forget that your school will post jobs on private boards as well.
When you are looking to get jobs in fundraising for nonprofits, you have to make sure that you are willing to cold call, and the best way to get a start when it comes to this sort of thing is to make sure that you are going to be able to move forward and cold call those organizations themselves! You never know who is hiring or how long they have been looking, so take some time and call the various organizations that you have always wanted to work for. Sometimes you do get lucky, and even if you don't you can always make sure that you have an invite when it comes to sending your resume in. This is, in many ways, a highly personalized field, and this can make all the difference when you are job hunting.
Also don't hesitate to make use of any sort of connections that you might have. Think about the people that you have worked with, or that you have made a favorable impression on, and let them know that you are job hunting. Let your parents and your friends and your family know as well, and in many ways, you are going to discover that this is something that can get you a job faster than you might believe. Take some time and really consider what you are looking to do and see who you can get to help you do it!
Searching for job in a nonprofit field can be extremely frustrating, but keep in mind that at the end of the day it can result in a job that is immensely rewarding. Remember to keep your spirits up during the job hunt and that it will not go on forever. A little bit of patience and persistence go a long way, especially in this field.